Distributed soil erosion model with the effect of gravitational erosion
Graphical Abstract
It is a characterist ic that water power erosion and gravitational erosion are coinstantaneous on Loess Plateau.Most of the soil erosion models about Loess Plateau don't simulate gravitational erosion,which is one of causations that simulated re sults aren't satisfactory. Base on the characteristic of the soil erosion on Loess Plateau,in this article,the method quantifying the influence factors of the gravitational erosion is adopted,thus the grids of gully producing the gravitational erosion can be determined,and the effect of the gravitational erosion in the process of sediment yield and transport can be calculated Based on the distributed hydrological model of grid to grid conflux,this article sets up a distributed soil erosion model of grid to grid sediment transport. With the calculation method of grid to grid conflux and sediment transport adopted in this article,the soil erosion model can simulate the effects of runoff and sediment from upslope on downslope erosion process. According to the cal culated result with observed data of Xiaolihe gauge station,the simulated result of the soil erosion model is better