Second-order dynamic sub-grid-scale stress model with double coefficients
摘要: 基于亥姆霍兹速度分解定理和Smagorinsky模型,提出二阶双系数动态亚格子尺度应力模型,即亚格子尺度应力是可解的应变率张量和旋转率张量的函数。应用有限差分法对此模型的控制方程进行了离散,并数值模拟得到了弯管内部的流场分布和压力分布。把雷诺数为40000的弯管流动的实验数据和此模型的模拟结果相比较,证明此模型是可行、可靠的。Abstract: Based on the Cauchy-Helmholtz theorem and the Smagorinsky model,a second-order dynamic sub-grid-scale (SGS) model with two dynamic coefficents is proposed,in which the sub-grid scale stress is the function of both strain-rate tensor and rotation-rate tensor.The velocity and pressure fields are calculated by using the simplec algorithm and the finite difference approximation to discretice the governing equations.Compatison between computational and experimental results of velovity and pressure fields in a curving conduit is conducted.The computarional results are in good agreement with the experimental ones.