
Comprehensive assessment method for region sustainable water resources

  • 摘要: 水资源可持续利用指标体系及评价方法是水资源可持续利用研究的核心问题之一。以复合系统理论为基础,将水资源、社会经济和环境组成的复合系统定义为水资源可持续利用系统(RSWRS系统)。应用Bossel可持续发展基本定向指标框架,建立了水资源可持续利用指标评价体系。应用系统综合评价法,权重采用基于Bossel评分标准,以参考状态的离差平方和最大法计算,建立了以RSWRS系统发展综合指数和发展态势度量模型。以陕西省为例,进行了水资源可持续利用的综合定量评价。


    Abstract: THe indicator system and assessment methods for sustainable utilization in relation to water resources are one of core subjects of the sustainable water resources management.Based on the complex system theory,we define water resources,society-economy and environment as a complex system.With the Bossel's orientor indicators framework of sustainable development,the indicator system for regional water resources is established.In the assessment process,the maximum deviation sum of squares from the reference state,which is based on the Bossel's evaluation criteria,is used to calculate the weight value by means of systematic comprehensive assessment method.And the comprehensive assessment value model and the development potential model of RSWRS are presented.The models are applied to the assessment of the sustainable water resources in Shaanxi Province.


