3-D visualization and analysis for underwater terrain evolution ofthe Pearl River estuary networks in long-term span
摘要: 阐述了长时间尺度珠江口河网水下地形演变过程中的三维可视化实现过程及空间分析方法,进一步揭示了珠江口河网水下地形演变机理。将收集的地形图进行数字化,建立不规则三角网,实现三维可视化,并在此基础上进行剖面分析,为不同年份的地形比较从而揭示珠江河网水下地形演化过程奠定基础。针对遇到的高程值转换问题,介绍了零值线法,采用点射线法作为判断依据达到高程转换的目的,同时针对该方法工作量大等不足,提出了字段标识法这一行之有效的方法。Abstract: In order to further show the underwater terrain terrain evolution mechanism of the Pearl River networks,we employ the techniques of 3-D visualization and spatial analysis.The comparision with 3-D data of different period will help to expose the underwatr terrain evolution and forecast the trend of the evolution of the Pearl River estuary.In addition,in view of the problem of the elevation value rectified,we present the methods of zero value line and the field identification.The method of zero value line is based on that of point radial.But this method exists the disadvantages,such as the extra computation.The method of field identification is proved to be an efficient method.