
Design and implementation of the object-oriented GIS hydrology and water resource data model

  • 摘要: 分析和总结了地理信息系统(GIS)在水文水资源应用中存在的问题与挑战。在ArcHydro数据模型框架的基础上,对面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型的结构与实现进行了深入研究与探讨。面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型能够很好地表达水文对象的空间位置、特征属性、时间属性以及对象间的拓扑关系,能完整地描述水文现象在地理空间的运动过程,并在江西省中部清丰山流域地理信息系统建设中应用。应用结果表明,面向对象的GIS水文水资源数据模型为设计水文空间数据库提供了一个通用的结构框架,有助于推动GIS在水文学研究与水资源管理的深入应用。


    Abstract: The problem and challenge of the GIS applied in the hydrology are analyzed and discussed. On the basis of the data structure of the Arc hydro,the data organization and implementation of the spatial hydro-data model are discussed and studied with respect to the object-oriented technology. The hydrologic object's spatial locations,feature attribute,temporal attribute and their topological relationships could be well represented in the object-oriented GIS hydro-data model. Finally,the object-oriented GIS hydro-data model is applied to the Qingfengshan Basin. The application result shows that the object-oriented GIS hydro-data model provides a common structure frame for the hydrological spatial data and is helpful to promote the wide application of GIS to the hydrology.


