
Methods for processing depression and flat areas in extracting drainage networks based on the DEM

  • 摘要: 在利用数字高程模型(DEM)模拟坡面流提取流域水系特征过程中,对洼地和平地的处理是首先需要解决的关键问题。针对现有方法对复杂地形DEM中平地、洼地及其复合情形处理效率和效果的不佳,提出了洼地的分类与归并、有效填洼、平地的分类、基于出流代价的河谷平地排水流向构建等新的处理方法,并在开发的软件系统中得到实现。实验结果表明:采用该方法可对复杂洼地进行有效处理,构建的河谷平地水流流向在顾及周边地形的同时向可能形成的河道收敛,避免了平行河道、伪河道等奇异河道的产生,由此提取的流域水系与实际自然水系基本一致。


    Abstract: How to process depression and flat areas and their drainage direction is a key issue and must be solved prior to the extraction of drainage network based on the digital elevation model(DEM).This paper investigates the shortcomings of the existing methods for the complex terrain DEM with depressions and flat areas,and proposes several new methods,namely,the classification and the merger of depressions,the valid filing depression,the classification of flat areas,and the construction of the drainage direction based on the flow cost for the river valley plains.These methods can be performed in the software system developed by authors. The test shows that the methods mentioned above can be used to process complex depressions validly and construct flat areas water flow direction in the consideration of the ambient terrain and astringency to the potential waterway. And they are proved to be rationa. In addition,by using the methods,odd waterways such as parallel and pseudo ones can't be generated in the extraction of the drainage network. Hence the results obtained are consistent with the real situation.


