Research of 3-D digital simulation platform for TGP and Gezhouba cascade dispatching
摘要: 对三峡与葛洲坝三维数字仿真平台构建的几个关键环节进行了研究,阐述了三峡至葛洲坝区域仿真数据库建设过程和三维可视化程序框架,研究了与三峡实时数据库和调度数学模型相连接的数据接口,将调度过程动态直观地表现于三维场景中,实现了航运相关数据的查询和分类显示功能,为梯级调度决策提供了新的平台.Abstract: This paper researches the key points of TGP(Three Gorges Project) and Gezhouba's 3-D simulation system,describes exactly the database established process and the 3-D visualization project frame.The system stuies the data interface among TGP real-time database and the dispatching mathematical model,displays the dispatching methods in 3-D scene intuitively,consequently actualizes the querying and sort displaying of the shipping related data.A new platform is provided in this paper for cascade dispatching decision-making.