
Dynamic processes and ecological restoration of hyporheic layer in riparian zone

  • 摘要: 河岸带潜流层是河岸带内地表水与地下水相互作用的生态交错带,在水文地理学、生态学、环境学上含义不尽相同。河岸带潜流层具有复杂的垂向、横向、纵向结构特征,其边缘效应显著,表现为泥沙、水流、生物、环境化学因子之间的复杂动态过程,主要包括水动力动态过程、生态学过程、溶质循环与化学过程等。水动力动态过程是驱动条件,氧气浓度是生态过程、溶质循环和化学过程的决定性因素。在各动态过程的驱动下,河岸带潜流层具有调蓄洪水、削减污染、净化缓冲环境和提供适宜栖息地等功能。针对河岸带潜流层功能退化的问题,需开展健康诊断,明确致病机理,实施适宜的生态修复。未来中国在开展河岸带潜流层研究时,应根据中国河岸带特点,采用示踪试验、数值模拟等方法,集成GIS等现代技术手段,研究多尺度下,水文条件、地形变化、土壤渗透系数、河岸带建设方式、植被分布等对河岸带潜流层水文、热传导、生化、生态等的影响机制,准确界定河岸带潜流层区域范围,制定适宜的生态修复策略。


    Abstract: Hyporheic layer of riparian zone is an active transition zone and ecotone between river and groundwater in riparian zone, which can be denoted respectively from hydrogeography, ecology and environment. Due to its unique structure properties in vertical, lateral and longitudinal directions, hyporheic layer of riparian zone was characterized to have some edge-effects and dynamic processes, including flow dynamics, ecological and chemical processes, which were driven by interactions among sediments, flow, communities, organic matters, solutes and environmental factors. As the three dynamic processes have affected each other and ecological and chemical processes have depended on flow dynamics driving and oxygen concentration, it has resulted that hyporheic layer in riparian zone could have stored floods and supplied suitable habitats and removed pollution. However, some of these functions were being weakened due to human and natural actions. In order to conserve the ecological balance and keep the sustainable development in riparian zone, it should be necessary to diagnose health status and verify weakening mechanism and practice ecological restoration. In future, according to the complex properties of riparian zones in our countries, it should be very important to investigate the responses of the hydrological, heat transportation, biochemical and ecological mechanisms to variation of hydrology, geomorphology, permeability, vegetation and riparian construction, and quantify the range of hyporheic layer and design the ecological restoration.


