An Experiment of Covered Ridge-Planted Flute for Catching the Precipitation in the Semi-Arid Field
摘要: 为了在降水不足的旱作农业区,充分接收、贮存大气降水,减少无效蒸发和因径流引起的水、土、肥的流失,笔者设计了作为农田土壤、作物、大气连续系统的调节措施之一,旱农沟种垅覆集水试验;提出了旱作农田沟作地段的水分平衡方程.通过试验说明,该措施使作物沟地的水分收入增加,支出减少,土壤增墒、保墒能力增强.它既有利于抗旱增产,建立稳定的节水型旱作农业,又减少了径流引起的水、土、肥的流失,有明显的经济效益与生态效益.Abstract: This paper designs an experiment of catching and controlling the precipitation by means of covered ridge planted flute in semi-arid field as one way of controlling soil-plant-atmospheric continued system,for receiving and storing precipitation fully and decreasing evaportranspiration and flow-out of water-soil-fertilizer causing by flow and proposed hydrologic balance equation of semi-arid field flut.This experiment indicats that the water input is increased,the water output is decreased,the soil moisture is increased and conserved well in the plant flute by using this means.It's not only advantage of anti-drought and rich crop and build up the stable hydro-control semi-arid agriculture,but also advantage of decreasing the flow-out of water-soil-fertilizer.It has obvious economic effect and ecologic effect.