
Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Optimal Operation of Hydropower Station

  • 摘要: 将遗传算法用于求解水电站优化调度问题。与经典优化算法不同的特点在于,遗传算法是从多个初始点开始寻优,沿多路径搜索实现全局或准全局最优。计算过程中不需要存储状态或决策变量离散点,大大减少了计算机内存,不必求导运算,编程简单,是一种有效的自适应随机搜索算法。


    Abstract: This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) for optimal operation of hydropower station.The GA uses a population of points at a time in contrast to the single-point approach by the traditional ones, and will guarantee to find the global optimum.The GA has the benef it of greatly reduced memory requirements, and does not need problem derivative.It is a good adaptive stochastic search method.A case study is given.


