吴永祥, 王高旭, 伍永年, 丰华丽, 沈福新, 雷四华, 施睿. 河流功能区划方法及实例研究[J]. 水科学进展, 2011, 22(6): 741-749.
引用本文: 吴永祥, 王高旭, 伍永年, 丰华丽, 沈福新, 雷四华, 施睿. 河流功能区划方法及实例研究[J]. 水科学进展, 2011, 22(6): 741-749.
WU Yong-xiang, WANG Gao-xu, WU Yong-nian, FENG Hua-li, SHEN Fu-xin, LEI Si-hua, SHI Rui. Method for river functional regionalization and a case study[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2011, 22(6): 741-749.
Citation: WU Yong-xiang, WANG Gao-xu, WU Yong-nian, FENG Hua-li, SHEN Fu-xin, LEI Si-hua, SHI Rui. Method for river functional regionalization and a case study[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2011, 22(6): 741-749.


Method for river functional regionalization and a case study

  • 摘要: 河流功能区划是规范和引导各类河流功能开发利用行为的基础工作。按照中国河流功能属性特点并考虑流域管理的需求,分析了河流功能区划的理论依据和区划原则,构建了由属性层、区划层、指标层和管理层4个层面构成的河流功能区划体系,给出了河流功能区的区划方法和具体的操作步骤。以太浦河为例进行了河流功能区划实例研究,提出了太浦河河流功能区划成果及其管理目标与对策。结果表明,提出的河流功能区划的方法是合理、可行的,能够为河流管理提供一个新途径。


    Abstract: River functional regionalization services as the precondition for exploiting the functionality in various rivers.In accordance with the characteristics of river functionalities and the requirements of basin management in China, the theoretical basis and principles for river functional regionalization are studied.As a result,a 4-layer classification system for river functional regionalization including the attribute-layer,the zone-layer,the index-layer and the man-agement-layer is established.The corresponding method and classification procedures are also presented.A case study is conducted on the Taipu River using the proposed method.The resulting river functional regionalization is presented and discussed together with the management objectives and strategies of the river.The result shows that the proposed method is sound and feasible,providing a new approach to the practice of river management.


