
Inspirations from development of present international rivers to China

  • 摘要: 通过分析亚洲的两河流域、北美洲的圣劳伦斯河、欧洲的多瑙河、非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河等国际河流的开发案例,借鉴成功与失败的开发经验和教训,得出加强合作、整体开发、全流域开放、协调生态环境等一些对我国合理、高效开发利用国际河流水资源的有益启示,并对我国国际河流开发管理提出了"与邻为善,以邻为伴"的建议。


    Abstract: Some beneficial inspiration to china,which are contributes to reinforcing the cooperation,the integrative development,the opening in the whole river basins and corresponding the ecological environment for the rational and effective development of water resources in the global rivers,are obtained by analyzing the cases of the development of the global rivers,such as the Euphrates River and the Tigris River in the Asia,the St Lawrence River in the North America,the Danube River in the Europe,the Nile River in the Africa,the Amazon River in the South America,which are used for the reference of their succeed experiences and lost lessons Moreover,several advices friendly to neighbor countries and partners are put forward to develop and manage the global rivers in China.


