虞美秀, 董吴欣, 张建云, 韦丽, 吴智, 王国庆. 基于大范围地面墒情监测的鄱阳湖流域农业干旱[J]. 水科学进展, 2022, 33(2): 185-195. DOI: 10.14042/j.cnki.32.1309.2022.02.003
引用本文: 虞美秀, 董吴欣, 张建云, 韦丽, 吴智, 王国庆. 基于大范围地面墒情监测的鄱阳湖流域农业干旱[J]. 水科学进展, 2022, 33(2): 185-195. DOI: 10.14042/j.cnki.32.1309.2022.02.003
YU Meixiu, DONG Wuxin, ZHANG Jianyun, WEI Li, WU Zhi, WANG Guoqing. Agricultural drought of the Poyang Lake basin based on large-scale ground monitoring of soil water content[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2022, 33(2): 185-195. DOI: 10.14042/j.cnki.32.1309.2022.02.003
Citation: YU Meixiu, DONG Wuxin, ZHANG Jianyun, WEI Li, WU Zhi, WANG Guoqing. Agricultural drought of the Poyang Lake basin based on large-scale ground monitoring of soil water content[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2022, 33(2): 185-195. DOI: 10.14042/j.cnki.32.1309.2022.02.003


Agricultural drought of the Poyang Lake basin based on large-scale ground monitoring of soil water content

  • 摘要: 以鄱阳湖流域为研究区, 基于2011—2020年22个墒情站的逐日地面墒情监测数据、1956—2020年49个雨量站的日降雨数据及2016—2019年墒情站所在灌区的气象数据, 采用考虑植被生理状态的土壤水分亏缺指数(SWDI)表征农业干旱, 分析不同尺度下墒情、包气带缺水量和降水量的时空分布, 评估SWDI在鄱阳湖流域农业干旱监测中的适用性, 揭示该流域农业干旱时空演变特征及其对气象干旱的响应规律, 初步探讨土壤质地与农业干旱强度的相关性。结果表明: ① SWDI对鄱阳湖流域农业干旱诊断具有较好的适用性; ②近10 a该流域农业干旱呈显著加重趋势, 其中2019—2020年发生流域性重度农业干旱, 且夏、秋、冬连旱, 是近10 a的主导季节性农业干旱, 对水稻、油菜等粮食产量影响显著; ③相较于气象干旱, 农业干旱发生、结束时间分别平均约晚2.5周和3周, 历时长10.1周, 频次更低, 干旱等级更小; ④砂土持水性最差, 易发生特大农业干旱, 黏土、黏壤土保水性最好, 轻旱和中旱发生概率较大, 壤土、砂壤土和壤砂土则介于二者之间。


    Abstract: Recently, the Poyang Lake basin, one of the important commodity grain bases in China, is experiencing severe low-water conditions, frequent droughts, which reduced grain production and caused serious agricultural losses. Since the Poyang Lake basin is, decreasing the grain loss caused by drought in the region Research on the systematic agricultural drought to reduce the food loss in the Poyang Lake basin plays a critical role in guaranteeing the food security of China. Based on the daily ground soil moisture monitoring data of 22 moisture stations from 2011 to 2020, the daily rainfall data of 49 rainfall gauge stations from 1956 to 2020, and the meteorological data from 2016 to 2019 in the irrigation area where the moisture station located, we used the Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI), which considers the physiological state of vegetation, to characterize agricultural drought. The temporal and spatial distribution of moisture content, water shortage in the aeration zone and precipitation at different time scales was analyzed, and the reliability of SWDI was evaluated in agricultural drought monitoring in the Poyang Lake basin. In addition, we revealed the temporal and spatial evolution of agricultural drought in the watershed and its response to meteorological drought, and preliminarily explored the correlation between soil texture and agricultural drought intensity. The results showed that the soil water deficit index applied well in evaluating the agricultural drought in the Poyang Lake basin. The agricultural drought in the basin has aggravated in the past ten years, and the most severe disasters occurred in 2019—2020. The summer-autumn-winter drought is the dominated seasonal agricultural drought, whi ch has a significant impact on the yield of rice, rapeseed and other grains. Compared with meteorological drought, the occurrence and ending time of agricultural drought are about 2.5 weeks and 3 weeks later, lasting 10.1 weeks longer, while the frequency is lower, and the drought intensity is smaller. Sandy soil has the worst water holding capacity and is prone to severe agricultural drought. Clay and clay loam soils have the best water holding capacity, with a higher probability of light drought and moderate drought; loam, sandy loam and loamy sandy soil are between the two of them.


