
New model for water resources spatial equilibrium evaluation and its application

  • 摘要: 为弥补当前水资源空间均衡评估中对指标模糊性和信息动态性考虑不足的缺陷,基于可变集原理及偏联系数方法构建一种新的水资源空间均衡评估模型。采用可变集方法计算评价对象的相对隶属度,获取级别特征值;利用偏联系数方法探究信息演化对级别的影响,得到基于支持度最大原则的定级策略;综合二者结果对水资源空间均衡状况进行评估。将模型应用于2017年中国31个省级行政区的结果表明:①中国东南地区水资源空间均衡程度良好,西北地区较差,南方优于北方、东部优于西部;②北京市等17个省级行政区的水资源空间均衡状态呈现不同程度的负向演化态势,亟待进一步加强管理,其余地区呈现良性的发展态势;③四川等省份各指标的均衡程度差异较大,需针对性地进行调控与优化。


    Abstract: To mitigate the insufficient consideration of fuzziness and dynamic conditions in water resources spatial equilibrium evaluation, a new model for water resources spatial equilibrium evaluation was developed based on the concept of variable set and partial connection number. The relative membership degree and level characteristic value of the evaluation object were calculated by the variable set evaluation method; The information evolution and its influence on the levels were described by the partial connection number method in order to obtain the rating strategy based on the maximum support principle. The two methods' results were integrated to evaluate the spatial equilibrium state of water resources. The results of application to 31 Chinese provinces in 2017 show that:① the spatial equilibrium of water resources in the Southeast of China is in good conditions, while the Northwest is in a relatively poor condition. The South has better conditions than the North and the East has better conditions than the West; ② The water resources spatial equilibrium situation of 17 provincial administrative regions, including Beijing, present a worsening trend, which calls for further strengthening of management. The other areas present a benign developing trend; ③ In some provinces, such as Sichuan and Shaanxi, the equilibrium degree of each index is quite different, which suggests a need to be adjusted and optimized.


