
A reviews on irrigation water rebound effect

  • 摘要: 推行节水灌溉技术的节水效果可能被产出增长带来的新增用水抵消,甚至出现用水有增无减的现象,表现为灌溉用水的反弹效应。目前有关灌溉技术节水效果的研究已有丰富成果,但关于灌溉用水反弹效应的研究还缺乏系统梳理。从灌溉用水反弹效应概念内涵、灌溉用水特性与节水的尺度效应、灌溉用水反弹机制以及反弹程度4个角度综述相关文献。灌溉过程中的水量转化、水分消耗及用水效率评价非常复杂,对灌溉用水反弹的研究还需进一步深入。未来研究的重点领域包括:①灌溉用水反弹的定义,如区分水文反弹和经济反弹,区分用水反弹和耗水反弹,区分一般反弹效应和回火效应(大于100%的反弹);②灌溉用水反弹的作用机理和控制路径;③设计合理的方法实证计算反弹效应。


    Abstract: Technological methods for improving irrigation efficiency are widely regarded as effective for reducing water use. However, it has not achieved the expected water savings; water use in some areas even increased. This situation implies that the so-called rebound effect may occur, which means the expected water savings are offset by the additional water demand arising from agricultural output increasing. Research on irrigation efficiency improvement's effect on water savings has palpable benefits nowadays. Nevertheless, the literatures on the rebound effect of irrigation water not been reviewed systematically. This paper reviews these literatures from these aspects of the following: a definition of water rebound effect, scale effects of water savings, and the rebound mechanism and magnitude of the water rebound effect. The irrigation water rebound effect needs to be researched further, and cannot be studied with the framework and method for energy rebound effects, due to the measuring complexity of water use, savings and efficiency. Future research areas should focus on the following: ① providing a clarified definition of irrigation water rebound effect, as to distinguish the hydrological and economic rebound, water use and consumption rebounds, and the general rebound and the backfire effects; ② deeply study the mechanism of irrigation water rebound; ③ develop a reasonable method for calculating the irrigation water rebound effect.


