
Initiatives on evolution of terrestrial water cycle and its role in global change

  • 摘要: 围绕中国在全球变化及应对领域多学科交叉研究能力提升和维护国家利益两大重大实践需求,本研究将以全球变化背景下大气-陆面-水文过程演变为主线,融合气象与气候学、水文及水资源学、系统工程学等多学科理论与技术,采用高密度原型观测、多尺度机理实验、数值模拟与仿真、地理信息技术等多方法相结合的途径,发挥云平台的存储、计算和管理等功能与优势,按照“机理识别-规律揭示-形势诊断”的总体思路开展陆地水循环演变及其在全球变化中的作用研究,将发布过去60年全球陆地广义水资源及水循环通量与干旱事件、1级至4级河流径流性水资源与洪涝事件的成果数据;将为中国参与全球气候谈判、国际气候治理和“一带一路”等国家战略的实施提供直接支撑,潜在的经济社会效益显著。


    Abstract: In order to meet the significant demands of enhancing our interdisciplinary research ability and protecting the national interests in the field of global change and response, this research is to focus on the evolution of atmosphere-land surface-hydrological processes in the context of global change, and to integrate the new disciplinary theory and technological progress in meteorology, climatology, hydrology, water resources, and system engineering. According to the technological scheme of mechanism recognition-law understanding-situation diagnosis, researchers will publish the global terrestrial gridded data of generalized water resources and water cycle flux of spatial resolution, streamflow and flood events of river channels from 1st order through fourth order in the past sixty years, by taking long series of highly-dense prototype observation, multi-scale mechanism experiment, numerical simulation with physical mechanisms and geographical information technology as a key support, and making full use of the functions and advantages of cloud-platform storage, computing and management. The outcomes of this research project would provide an important foundation for China's participating in global climate negotiation and international climate governance, and implementing national strategies, such as ‘the Belt and Road Initiative’, so as to produce a remarkable socioeconomic benefits.


