
Effects of soil shear strength and runoff erosivity on slopes with different vegetation cover

  • 摘要: 利用野外径流小区动态监测和人工模拟降雨试验,阐明了草被和灌木的减流减沙效应,从力学层面揭示了坡面侵蚀产沙的过程机理。结果表明,与裸地相比,野外坡面草地和灌木地径流量分别减少28.1%~56.5%和85.7%~100%、产沙量分别减少84.9%~90.7%和98.5%~100%;在人工模拟降雨强度下,草地和灌木地径流量分别减少51.9%~90.9%和61.7%~80.6%、产沙量分别减少93.6%~99.2%和95.5%~99.2%;植被具有明显的增强土壤抗剪强度的作用,不同植被坡面抗剪强度与剪切面上的法向压力成正比,且符合库仑定律;不同下垫面条件下土壤黏聚力与坡面径流量和侵蚀产沙量呈显著的负相关关系,随着黏聚力的增大,径流量和侵蚀产沙量呈下降趋势;草地和灌木地坡面侵蚀临界径流切应力分别为裸地的2.64~3.16倍和2.44~3.18倍,建立了不同被覆坡面临界径流切应力与土壤抗剪强度和黏聚力的关系。研究结果对定量评价植被减蚀作用和深化土壤侵蚀力学过程有一定的参考意义。


    Abstract: The combined effects of soil shear strength and runoff erosivity is important to quantitatively express the relationship between soil erosion resistance ability, runoff detachment, and transport capacity. We used field data and simulated rainfall experiments to study the effects of grass and shrub cover on runoff and sediment yield and its mechanical mechanism. Based on standard field plots data, runoff reduction on grass and shrub plots decreased by 28.1%-56.5% and 85.7%-100%, respectively, and sediment reduction on grass and shrub slopes decreased by 84.9%-90.7% and 98.5%-100%, respectively, compared with the bare plot. Under simulated rainfall intensities of 45, 87 mm/h and 127 mm/h on a 20° slope gradient, runoff reduction on grass and shrub slopes decreased by 51.9%-90.9% and 61.7%-80.6%, respectively, and sediment reduction on grass and shrub slopes decreased by 93.6%-99.2% and 95.5%-99.2%, respectively, compared with the bare slope. Vegetation can enhance soil shear strength. Soil shear strength was proportional to the vertical pressure on the shear surface, and it was consistent with Coulomb's law of shear strength. Soil cohesive force was negatively correlated with runoff as well as sediment yield. Runoff and sediment yield decreased with the increase in soil cohesive force. Sediment yield increased with the increase of flow shear stress, and there was a significant linear relationship between the two. The critical flow shear stresses of the grass slope and the shrub slope, respectively, were 2.64-3.16 times and 2.44-3.18 times that of the bare slope. The sediment transportation rate had a linear relationship with the flow shear stress. The critical flow shear stress and soil shear strength and the critical flow shear stress and soil cohesive force were significantly correlated. These relationships illustrate the mechanical effects of the soil erosion process. The results are useful for quantifying runoff and sediment reduction and understanding the mechanical process of soil erosion.


