
Determination of the hydrogeological parameters of a tilted confined aquifer by slug tests

  • 摘要: 为评价振荡试验在获取倾斜承压含水层水文地质参数过程中含水层倾角对计算结果的影响,基于Kipp模型推导了考虑承压含水层倾角的振荡试验解析解模型。倾斜承压含水层量纲一贮水系数和量纲一导水系数不变条件下,测试井-含水层系统的量纲一阻尼系数随着倾角的增加而增加。修正模型计算的量纲一阻尼系数与Kipp模型计算的量纲一阻尼系数偏差10%以上时,必须考虑倾角的影响并且承压含水层倾角对水头响应曲线造成影响临界角度约为34°。修正模型和Kipp模型对现场振荡试验水头响应曲线分析结果的差异表明,忽略含水层倾角会对倾斜承压含水层导水系数和贮水系数的计算结果产生较大误差。


    Abstract: The effect of the dip of an aquifer on the hydrogeological parameters of a tilted confined aquifer was evaluated by slug tests. Using the Kipp model, an analytical solution model was derived for the slug tests considering the dip of the tilted confined aquifer. When the dimensionless storage coefficient and inertial parameter were constant, the dimensionless damped coefficient of the test well-aquifer system increased with increasing dip. When the dimensionless damped coefficient calculated by the modified model differs by 10% than the value calculated by the Kipp model, the effect of the dip should be considered, and the critical dip for affecting the water head response was 34°. The difference in the analytical results between the modified and Kipp models indicates that ignoring the dip of aquifer will cause error in the estimation of the transmissivity and storage coefficient of the tilted confined aquifer.


