
Dipole spatiotemporal variations of river runoff in Eastern Tibetan Plateau

  • 摘要: 青藏高原是典型的高山寒区, 其陆地水循环包括冰雪融水、土壤冻融、降雨径流等复杂过程。近年来, 青藏高原的主要河川径流在全球气候变化的影响下发生了显著变化, 深刻影响下游水资源利用和生态系统, 厘清其变化规律具有重要意义。本文对1980—2015年间青藏高原东部区域的6条主要外流河12个干流水文站的实测年径流以及该区域5种降水产品进行了区域分时段的归类分析, 发现其径流变化存在偶极子型的时空变化规律, 即径流在某时间点和空间点两侧的变化趋势相反: 站点径流在1999年发生了趋势转折, 以昌都水文站和嘉玉桥水文站为分界的南北站点径流趋势相反, 其中北部站点径流呈先减小后增加的趋势, 南部站点则趋势相反; 降水变化和径流变化具有相同的偶极子时空特征, 并且识别了32°N为变化趋势的南北分界线。上述结论有助于理解青藏高原东部河流的径流变化机理, 并可为预估径流变化趋势、科学开展水资源管理提供依据。


    Abstract: As a typical cold mountainous region, the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is characterized by complex water cycle processes, including snow and glacier melting, soil freezing and thawing, and rainfall runoff.Driven by global climate change over the past several decades, discharges of the major rivers on the TP have changed significantly, influencing the water resource utilization and ecosystem in the downstream regions.This study analyzed the discharge variations at 12 hydrological stations in six major exoreic TP rivers from 1980 to 2015, including Heihe River, Yellow River, Yangtze River, Lancang River, Nu River, and Yarlung-Tsangpo River.The precipitation variations in six basins were also analyzed based on five datasets.Results show that the runoff of stations located north of Changdu-Jiayuqiao decreased before 1999, and turned into an increasing trend after 1999.The stations located in the South TP had reversed runoff variations.Such variation can be described as a dipole spatiotemporal variation pattern.The precipitation variations over the TP were similar to that of runoff, showing a dipole pattern with reversed variations bounded by 32°N.These findings are helpful for runoff change mechanism understanding and projection under climate change, providing a scientific foundation for water resource management.


