
Exploring hydraulic dynamics between the urban stormwater pipe and the downstream river based on experiment tests

  • 摘要: 管道下游高水位顶托是影响雨水管网排涝的关键因素,对城市内涝防控至关重要,但其水动力过程作用机理尚不清晰。通过上游水池-试验管道-下游渠道物理试验,研究下游河道状态对城市入河雨水管道排水能力的影响机制。结果表明:对于较大坡度管道,尽管在顶托初始阶段流速下降,但顶托作用能对非满流管道产生抽吸效应,增加管道过流面积并促进排水(增幅可达18.7%);过度顶托将显著抑制排水(降幅可达20.3%);下游河道流动可以改善受顶托管道的排水能力,降雨过程排水总量和峰值流量随河道流速增加而增大,最大分别提升4.6%和8.5%。研究结果加强了下游河道高水位顶托对管道排水过程作用机理的认识,为城市河网调控及相关排水工程设计提供了科学指导。


    Abstract: High water level in the downstream can be a key factor that influences the drainage capacity of the stormwater pipe. This can form the hydraulic jacking that can substantially affect the operation and prevention of urban flooding. However, there is a lack of understanding on the hydrodynamic mechanism of such an interacting process. To this end, a set of physical experimental tests were conducted on a tank-pipe-channel laboratory system. The results obtained show that downstream jacking at the early stage (under non-full flow conditions) can enhance pipe flow capacity up to 18.7% as a result of suction effect and the increased flow area. This is followed by a significant block on the drainage capacity of the pipe due to the excessive jacking with a maximum flow reduction about 20.3%. In addition, the flow in the downstream river can facilitate the pipe drainage under the jacking conditions, and such an effect can be stronger as the river flow velocity increases. For such scenarios, experiment tests show that the maximum increase of total pipe drainage and peak flow can reach 4.6% and 8.5% respectively. These findings significantly improve the understanding on the hydrodynamic mechanism between high downstream water level and the pipe drainage process, which can offer important scientific guidance for the regulation of urban river networks and the design of drainage pipe systems.


