Slope hydrogeology and collecting seepage water techniquesin gneiss area in the Taihang mountains
摘要: 太行山片麻岩区的浅层地下渗流是一种普遍现象,多以壤中流和裂隙潜流的形式出现在坡地的下部或流域的出口处,对这部分水资源进行合理收集是我国北方石质山地雨水利用的重要方面。以四水(降水、地表水、土壤水、裂隙水)转化为出发点,在分析太行山片麻岩区坡地水文地质结构的基础上,提出了"岩土二元结构体"的概念,并通过坡地岩土水分与水势的测定,得出了坡地岩土不同埋深处的水分特征曲线,同时,根据岩土水分特征曲线,对坡地介质的复杂性与空间变异性从机理上给出了进一步的解释。在此基础上,提出了一种对坡地渗流进行集蓄的新技术,该技术是对传统雨水集蓄形式的发展与创新,对北方土石山地雨水利用技术的发展具有重要贡献。Abstract: The shallow groundwater seepage,which appears as infiltration from soil profile and from fissure of weathered rocks at the bottom of slope or on the way out of valley,is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the gneiss area in the Taihang Mountains.Collection of shallow groundwater is an important part of rain-water use in hilly areas in North China.The interactions between atmosphere,surface,soil,and fissure water systems are the focus of the study.By measuring water content and water potential in rock and soil,the hydraulic characteristic curve of soil profile and rock in slope was developed.Based on curve,the complexity and spatial variability of hydraulic characteristics on slopes were explained.Two new techniques related to the collection of shallow groundwater were suggested to help the traditional rain water collection and utilization in the Taihang Mountains.