
Study on spatial-temporal process of soil loss on loess slope surface by rare earth element tracers technology

  • 摘要: 室内交叉布设不同的稀土氧化物,通过人工模拟次降雨,在同一试验条件下,对坡面侵蚀沿顺坡方向和深度方向的演变过程同时展开研究。结果表明:REE示踪技术对定量研究土壤侵蚀具有较高的精度;降雨前期,片蚀与细沟侵蚀发育程度基本相当;后期细沟侵蚀占据坡面侵蚀的主导地位,其侵蚀平均加速度和平均侵蚀率分别是片蚀的15倍、9倍;试验结束,细沟侵蚀占据坡面总侵蚀的90%;本试验条件下,坡面下1/3区域为侵蚀活跃带。


    Abstract: By placing different rare earth elements (REE) in different soil depth and different section across one slope in an indoor plot,one simulated rainfall was applied to study the spatial-temporal process both of depth and section erosion across one slope plot simultaneously.The results indicated that the REE tracer technology has high precision to quantify the spatial-temporal process of soil erosion; In earlier rainfall course,the development degree of sheet and rill erosion was general equation; Otherwise in the following course,the rill erosion was dominant in the total erosion,its average erosion acceleration and the average erosion rate was 15 and 9 times of sheet erosion,respectively; In the end of experiment,the rill erosion took up 90% of total erosion amount; The section of slope bottom occupying about 1/3 slope area was active erosion segment in this experiment.


