Mechanisms of absorbing nitrochlorobenzene by the sediment of the Yellow River
摘要: 通过静态吸附实验,研究了黄河底泥对硝基氯苯的吸附机理,并在此基础上研究了影响吸附的不同条件。实验结果表明,最佳平衡吸附时间为2h;吸附量随着平衡浓度的增加而增加,随着含沙量的增加而降低;温度对吸附的影响随含沙量不同而不同,含沙量较高时,温度对吸附影响不大,含沙量较低时,吸附量随温度的升高呈先下降后增加的趋势;在本实验条件下,吸附量随着pH值的增加而下降,随离子强度增加而增加。Abstract: The behaviour of absorbing nitrochlorobenzene (NCB) by the Yellow River sediment is investigated.With the stat experimental,the result of the experimental study about the sediment shows that about two hours is required for the sorption equilibrium.Furthermore,the mechanism of the absorption and the factors controlling the organic substance absorption from the sediment are studied,including the sediment concentration,pH,and the ionic strength.It is concluded that the adsorbent amount increases with the absorbent equilibrium concentration,and decreases with the sediment concentration.Under the experimental condition,the adsorbent amount of NCB decreases with the increase of pH and increases with the ionic strength.