
Comprehensive assessment index system of ecosystem riparian zone

  • 摘要: 河岸带是水陆交错带,其生态状况对河流生态系统有着很大的影响。河岸带生态系统综合评价包括:结构稳定性评价、景观适宜性评价、生态健康评价、生态安全性评价等。建立合理有效的河岸带生态系统综合评价指标体系是河岸带生态系统综合评价的基础。河岸带生态系统综合评价指标体系分为4个层次:总目标层、子目标层、准则层和指标层。


    Abstract: The riparian zone is the interface between stream and land.And its ecological status greatly affects the ecosystem status of the stream.The comprehensive assessment of the ecosystem riparian zone includes the structural stability assessment, landscape assessment, ecological health assessment, and ecosystem safety assessment.In order to give a reasonable assessment of riparian zone, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive assessment index system which has four layers: object layer, subobject layer, rule layer and factor layer.


