
Eco-environmental responses of the lower reaches of Tarim River to the emergency water deliveries

  • 摘要: 塔里木河下游357km河道断流近30年,向塔里木河下游实施应急输水抢救生态环境,是世界范围内流域退化生态系统恢复与重建的稀有案例。以此为背景,在生态环境本底状况调查的基础上,通过大量的监测资料,应用河道水力学、地下水动力学以及植被生态学,以河道水量沿程消耗-地下水位动态变化-植物恢复为主线,摸清了水流在河道纵向、河道横向两侧和垂向剖面中的运移、转化和消耗规律,研究分析了应急输水的水生态环境三维响应特征和植被恢复效应。为创建和完善干旱区受损生态系统输水、修复与重建的评价体系打下基础,也为塔里木河流域综合治理提供技术支撑。


    Abstract: In the past 30 years,water has ceased to flow in the 357 km lower reaches of Tarim River,and water must be de livered there emergently for resuing the environmental condition,which is a rare worldwide case of ecosystem recovery and re-habilitation in the deteriorated river basin.In this context,this article uses a great deal of monitored data from the eco-environmental baseline investigations and the methodologies of the river hydraulics,the groundwater dynamics and the vegetation ecology to analyze the law of water transportation,transformation and consumption along cross the river course and in the vertical profile of the river course,by following the mail line from water consumption along the river course the dynamic changes of groundwater table and the vegetation recovery. It contains scientific analyses of the three dimensional eco environmental responsive effect and vegetation recovery impacts on the emergent water deliveries,thus lays theoretical and practical foundation for creating and perfecting the evaluation system for the supplementary water delivery,the ecological recovery and rehabilitation of the damaged eco-environmental systems in the arid areas,mean while,provides the important technical support for the comprehensive improvement of the Tarim Basin.


