
Input/output method for calculating the virtual water trading in Ningxia

  • 摘要: 虚拟水是凝结在产品和服务过程中所需要的水资源数量。从水资源利用角度,实物贸易即虚拟水贸易。干旱缺水地区可以通过虚拟水贸易形式来缓解水资源短缺问题。运用投入产出方法,并以宁夏为例,计算了2002年宁夏虚拟水输出量和社会经济系统对水资源的消费利用状况,分析了宁夏采用虚拟水战略进行更大尺度的水资源配置所面临的问题、困难,突破了干旱地区解决水资源短缺问题仅局限于本流域实体水资源利用的思路,从系统的角度出发,为干旱区“节流”提供了新的对策建议。


    Abstract: The virtual water is the water used in the production process of goods and services.So far as the water resource utilization is concerned,the physical trading actually implies the virtual water trading,hence,the virtual water trading approach can be used to alleviate the water scarcity in arid regions.Based on the input/output method,the consumption of virtual water in Ningxia in 2002 is calculated and analyzed in a systematic way as a prime-case study,which reflects some difficulties and problems that Ningxia will face once the virtual water strategy,the larger dimension allocation to water resource,is implemented.This method breaks away from traditional solutions,which merely focus on the using of the local water resource. Meanwhile,several new suggestions are put forward for saving water resource in arid regions.


