
Prospects for the long-term water resources demand in China

  • 摘要: 通过对现状人口、主要经济发展指标与用水量、用水定额的关系及其变化趋势的分析,在综合考虑未来水资源条件、社会经济发展、科技进步以及用水效率、节水水平等影响因素变动条件下,建立综合影响因素与需水量指标的关系,确定未来需水量增长率的变化及人均用水量、单位产值用水量等指标的变动幅度。根据预测的各水平年的人口、经济发展等指标,估算相应的水资源需水量。


    Abstract: Through the analysis on the relationship and variable tendency between the present population situation,main index of economic development and the amount of water consumption,the quota of water consumption,meanwhile,synthetically con sidering about the variation of influential factor such as water resources condition in future,economic and social development, science and technical progress,the efficiency of water consumption and the level of water conservation,etc,the relationship between the above mentioned synthetical influential factors and the index of water demand amountis established and the variation of growth rate of water demand in future and the variation breadth of other indices such as water consumption per capita and water consumption unit value of output are confirmed Furthermore,the amount of water resources demand in 2030 and 2050 are calculated according to the predicted indices such as population and economic development of the target year.


