
Study and application on quantitative survey of surface drought characters based on remote sensing technique

  • 摘要: 介绍了地表面能量平衡系统的基本原理,在此基础上提出了应用气象卫星遥感资料和气象观测资料定量监测地表大范围干旱特征的实用计算方案。通过对计算成果的检验分析,评价了该方法的应用效果。


    Abstract: In this articles,the principles of the surface energy balance system(SEBS)and an arithmetic for quantitative survey of surface drought characters based on SEBS using NOAA satellite images and observed weather data were introduced. The application of the arithmetic on drought monitoring at large scale in China was dicussed,including of data processing,model parameters initialization,results evaluation and error analysis.


