
Effect of water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River on the lower reach

  • 摘要: 2002年7月4日9时至7月15日9时黄河进行了首次调水调沙试验。2003年9月6日9时至9月18日18时30分结合防洪预泄又进行了第二次调水调沙试验。根据这两次黄河调水调沙试验成果,特别是首次调水调沙试验成果,对下游河道冲淤效果、河口拦门沙区泥沙冲淤量及其分布、河势调整、整治工程作用及河道过流能力变化进行了分析。分析结果表明,调水调沙不仅能够减少河道淤积,而且能够有效增大主槽的过流能力,改善下游河道排沙条件。所以,调水调沙是解决黄河泥沙问题的有效措施之一。


    Abstract: The first test of water-sediment regulation of the Yellow River was performed from the 9:00 A.M. on July 4 to the 9:00 A.M. on July 15,2002.The second test was conducted from the 9:00 A.M. on Sept.6 to the 6:30 P1M.on Sept118,2003.According to the test results from the Yellow River water-sediment regulation,especially the first test,the paper analyzes the results of the scouring or deposition in the lower river and the area of the river-mouth bar,the adjustment of the channel morphology,the effect of channel regulation and the changes of flowing capacity of the lower reaches.The test results show that the water-sediment regulation can reduce aggradations of the channel,increase its flowing capacity and improve the sediment delivery conditions of the channel in the lower river.Therefore,the water-sediment regulation is one of the effective measures to solve the sedimental problems of the Yellow River.


