
Attribute reduction of groundwater quality index based on the rough set theory

  • 摘要: 粗集理论是一种处理不确定和不精确问题的新型数学工具。将粗集理论用于地下水水质指标属性约简,采用区分矩阵属性约简算法对原有的4个水质指标进行分析,发现仅需要其中的3个就可以表达相同的地下水水质级别区分能力,还得出了各水质指标相对于地下水水质级别的属性重要性。理论分析和应用实践表明了粗集理论用于地下水水质指标属性约简具有简便、准确和实用性强等特点。


    Abstract: The rough set(RS)theory is a new mathematical tool for analyzing the uncertainty and imprecise problems. By using the RS theory in the attribute reduction of the groundwater quality indexes,the significance of the attribute between the groundwater quality indexes and the groundwater quality class,and 2 reducts of the original data are obtained. The discernibility matrix is used to find the reductions. Among the 4 groundwater quality indexes,only 3 indexes are necessary. It is shown that the RS theory is simple,precise and practical for the at ribute reduction of the groundwater quality index through the theo-retical analysis and practical application.


