
Optimal estimation of parameters inversion for the relationship of permeability-saturation-pressure in water-air phase flow system

  • 摘要: 应用渗流力学和参数反演辨识最优化理论,建立了水气两相流控制方程,给出了控制两相流系统K-S-P模型参数之间的本构关系,并对其中的相关参数进行数值反演辨识,得出待求参数的最优估计值。对不同质地土壤的实验测试值进行对比分析,其结果吻合较好,验证了模型的适定性和可靠性,解决了实验数据处理以及结果对初值的敏感性问题,并且该数值方法可通过多组初值参数进行数值实验,结合实验结果来满足实际工程的需求。这不仅对非饱和带内污染物传输、气藏工程试井计算、填埋气体的释放以及挥发性有机污染物的去污分析中两相流数值计算提供基础,而且对K-S-P本构关系之间参数的确定提供了可靠的理论依据。


    Abstract: The governing equation of water-air phase flow is the best one,and established by the two fluid volume-averaged momentum and continuity equations based on seepage mechanics and the optimization theory of parameter inversion.The constitutive relationships of permeability-saturation-pressure controlling multiphase flow is given.The optimal estimation values are obtained by adopting the constrained variable metric method to inverse the parameters.The results show that the optimized values by the numerical method in this paper is in good agreement with the experimental data,and the comparison analysis validates the reliability and practicability of the numerical model,which deals with the sensitivity of the values to the initial conditions.The uniqueness and stability analysis indicates that the inverse model is well posed,and that the numerical model provides sufficient information for the successful application of the parameter-estimating approach.The numerical experimental is completed by this method,using the numerous initial values to meet the practical project.It not only supplies the foundations to the numerical calculation of the contaminant transport in unsaturated zone,analyzes well the test data in the process of oil gas reservoir exploitation,the landfill gas release and the contamination remediation of the volatile organic compounds,but also provides the theoretical basis for determining the parameter of the permeability-saturation pressure.


