
Study on the concept, connotation and evolvement of the base-system of water

  • 摘要: 阐述了“水基”系统概念的内涵,论述了其客观存在与演进特性,构建了水基系统概念模型。在此基础上,从人与自然和谐相处的理念出发,应用系统论的观点,提出了解读和评价水基系统的稳定态、和谐度、演进率等指标的定义,并对水基系统的应用策略进行了讨论,展望了应用水基系统理论解决水问题的前景。


    Abstract: This article expounds the connotation of the base system of water and discusses the existence and evolvement of the system. It also models the base system of water by the mathematical method. On the basis of these,the atributes of stability, concordance and the rate of evolvement are applied to analyze and estimate the system. The strategy of the application of the system is discussed and the prospect of its application is also described.


