Application of the SWAN wave model to Bohai Sea:Improvement of Phillips linear growth term
摘要: 将国际上通用的SWAN波浪数值模式应用到渤海,以检验其适应性。通过对由风引起的波浪的增长和耗散作用源函数的实验研究,发现SWAN中所采用的Phillips线性增长部分的比例系数和波浪成长有较大的关系,此比例系数随摩擦速度变化(原模式取此系数为一常数)。基于模式试验,引入了一个新的Phillips线性增长项公式,并且利用3个风过程对模式的改进进行了验证。3个风过程的计算结果和实测值比较表明,计算结果在3个过程当中都得到了明显的改进。Abstract: The SWAN(Simulating Wave Nearshore)wave model is put into use to examine its applicability in Bohai Sea. By means of the experiments of wind-induced ocean wave,we find that the proportionality coefficient α in linear growth term of wind growth source function plays an important role in the process of wave development and changes along with friction velocity (in default SWAN model,it is a constant). Therefore,based on the experiments,we introduce a new formula of α into the linear growth term of wind growth source function in the SWAN model. We experience with the three processes of wind(two cold waves and a south wind)to validate the improvement in the linear growth term. In conclusion,the results from the improved SWAN wave model agree much better with the measurements than those from the previous the SWAN model. The improved SWAN wave model makes a solid foundation for setting up a proper model of wave numerical forecasting in Bohai Sea.