
Integrating the hydrological technology for analyzing the base-system of water

  • 摘要: 水基系统是复杂的巨系统和多维的开领域,具有基础性、动态性、包融性、交互性等特征,正确评价它的承载能力和运用状态,并预测、引导其演化趋势对研究水问题是至关重要的。现代水文技术的不断发展和进步为解读水基系统提供了必要的前提,水基系统的存在与演进及其解读,需要不断拓展水文领域研究范围、改进监测手段,集成水文技术。


    Abstract: This article describes the concept of base-system of water. It is also considered that the system is frequently adjusted,amended,and evolved. It is great important to correctly estimate its load capability and operational status,as well as to appropriately forecast its trend. For analyzing the base-system of water,the hydrological domain should be objectively extended,the hydrological technology need to be integrated,and fundamental theory researches and hydrological basic work both have to be strengthen.


