
Impact of sand excavation in Pearl River delta on hydrology and environment

  • 摘要: 珠江三角洲水系属于典型的潮汐河网,水流同时受到地表径流及沿海潮位的双重影响。自20世纪80年代以来,该水系大规模的人工挖沙导致了水文条件、河床演变自然进程的较大变化。根据潮汐河网的水力特性,建立了用于模拟水位、流量时空变化的一维河网水动力数学模型,并根据由灰色模型预测的因挖沙引起的未来年份的河床演变情况,分别预测分析了不同水平年在丰水期、枯水期两种代表水情下的水系水位、流量变化情况。并对由此可能产生的对环境的影响进行了初步分析。


    Abstract: The river system in the Pearl River delta is the typical tidal network,and influenced by the surface runof and the t ide level of South Sea Since the middle of the 1980s,large scale of sand excavation has resulted in the great changes of the fluvial process and the hydrological conditions. Based on the hydrodynamics features,this paper builds a one-dimensional hydrodynamic mathematical model to simulate the variat ion of water level and flow rate in the tidal river network. By the Grey Model,the riverbed evolution in the future is predicted By using the hydrodynamics numerical model,the impact of the artifi cial sand excavation on hydraulic features,such as water level and flow rate,is respectively analyzed in high flow and low waterperiods Furthermore,the impact of sand excavation on navigation,irrigation,salt intrusion and water environment are preliminarily assessed.


