
Scale effect of water saving in rice-based irrigation system

  • 摘要: 探讨了节水灌溉尺度问题,指出产生节水灌溉尺度现象的原因是由于灌溉过程中回归水的重复利用.结合漳河灌区的实际,讨论了水稻种植区在不同尺度下的水平衡要素及其在节水尺度效应中的作用;说明随尺度的增大,水平衡过程变得复杂化,节水尺度效应现象也更突出.利用漳河灌区田间试验数据和灌区长系列的历史资料,分别从田间、中等、灌溉干渠和灌区共四个尺度,定量地分析了水稻节水灌溉对水分生产率以及水分利用率的影响.结果表明,节水灌溉技术的采用不仅可以提高田间尺度的灌溉水分生产率,也促进了漳河灌区灌溉水分生产率的整体上升.


    Abstract: This paper is to explore the issues of scale effect of water saving,caused by the returning f lows and their reuse in the water resource system Taking the rice-based irrigation system,Zhanghe Irrigation System(ZIS),as an example,we analyzed the components of water balance and their roles at different scales,and point out that the situation would be become more complicated and the scale effect could be obvious with the increas of scale Based on the experimental and long-term historical data in ZIS,we consider water use at different scales——the fields,the middle scale,a main canal-commanded area scale and the irrigation system The results demonstrate the higher water productivity under water saving irrigation practice at the field scale and in the ZIS.And there are real water saving and the considerable increase in water productivity over time.


