
CAP model for regional water pollution control system

  • 摘要: 在对区域水污染控制系统CAP模型进行需求分析的基础上,采用UML技术进行CAP模型的结构设计,提出了采用Geodatabase作为CAP模型的开发模式。以佛山市水污染控制系统规划为例,介绍了采用CAP模型进行辅助规划的具体步骤。实践证明,采用CAP模型辅助区域水污染控制系统规划,可以提高规划效率及数据完整性,是其便捷的CAP解决方案。


    Abstract: Based on the requirement analysis of the regional water pollution control(RWPC)CAP model,the structure of CAP model is designed in the UML,and the geodatabase is selected as the developing type of the CAP model. The det ailed developing process is introduced in the case of Foshan RWPC project. The CAP model,applied in RWPC planning,can improve its planning proficiency and the corresponding data coincidence.It is proved to be a convenient CAP solution.


