
Comprehensive assessment indicator system for water resources and its development and use

  • 摘要: 深入分析了人工侧支水循环和天然水循环之间动态的依存关系,对照水资源的自然属性、社会属性、经济属性、生态属性和环境属性,把水资源划分为水资源系统、水资源开发利用系统、水生态系统、水环境系统、社会经济五大系统,结合这五大系统构建水资源及其开发利用系统描述指标体系。在描述指标集的基础上,构建属性衡量准则指标集,进行水资源及其开发利用属性的定量识别。进而,以问题为导向,针对水资源及其开发利用中的不同问题,分别提出不同的问题诊断指标,对具体问题进行识别和诊断。


    Abstract: Water resources system is combined with natural hydrological cycle and man-made water process. The interdepen-dent relationship between these two cycles of water movement is analyzed. Based on the analysis,taking into consideration of major aspects related to water resources,the complex system can be classified as five sub-systems:natural water resources, development and use,ecosystem of water,water environment and social-economical system. The comprehensive indicator system is constructed by combining with the major factors in the sub-systems. Through the indicator system,the assessment of water resources and the status of development can be identified quantitatively with respective the indicators.Furthermore,the diagnostic indices are provided aiming at identifying the specific problems and the measures of improvement.


