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阎婷婷, 吴剑锋

阎婷婷, 吴剑锋. 渗透系数的空间变异性对污染物运移的影响研究[J]. 水科学进展, 2006, 17(1): 29-36.
引用本文: 阎婷婷, 吴剑锋. 渗透系数的空间变异性对污染物运移的影响研究[J]. 水科学进展, 2006, 17(1): 29-36.
YAN Ting-ting, WU Jian-feng. Impacts of the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity on the transport fate of contaminant plume[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2006, 17(1): 29-36.
Citation: YAN Ting-ting, WU Jian-feng. Impacts of the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity on the transport fate of contaminant plume[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2006, 17(1): 29-36.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(40002022;40472130)

    阎婷婷(1979- ),女,江苏南京人,美国Arizona大学水文与水资源学系博士研究生.主要从事地下水流数值模拟研究.E-mail:jfwu@nju.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: P641;X523

Impacts of the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity on the transport fate of contaminant plume

Funds: The study is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.40002022&No.40472130).
  • 摘要: 随机水文地质学方法,较传统的确定性方法而言,是解决非均质含水层中水流和溶质运移问题的一种更为合理的手段。据以往研究,假设渗透系数场遵循对数正态分布,利用直接傅立叶变换方法来生成渗透系数随机场。应用基于随机理论的蒙特卡罗方法,来研究渗透系数的空间变异性对污染物运移结果的影响。实例研究表明,污染物在含水层中运移过程中污染羽的展布范围(二阶矩)随着渗透系数空间变异方差的增大而扩大,而污染羽在空间上的质心位置(一阶矩)基本不受方差的影响,仅取决于渗透系数随机场的均值大小。另外还分析了污染羽在各点的浓度变化方差和变异系数分别随渗透系数变异方差的变化状况。
    Abstract: Compared with commonly used deterministic methods,the stochastic hydrogeology method is a more rational resort for solving the flow and transport problems in the heterogeneous aquifers. On the assumption that the hydraulic conductivity field follows a lognormal distribution,the direct Fourier transform is introduced to generate multiple realizations of hydraulic conductivity field. Then the Monte Carlo method,based on the stochastic theory,is applied to investigate the effect of the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity on the fate of contaminant plume. For the contaminant plume examined in this synthetic example study the spatial second moments defining the spread of the contaminant plume around its centroid increase with the enlargement of the variance of hydraulic conductivity distribution,while the first moment specifying the centroid of the plume is not influenced by the variance of hydraulic conductivity but dominated by the mean of hydraulic conductivity. Additional analysis demonstrates the sensitivity of both variance and coefficient of variation of plume concentration to the various variances of hydraulic conductivity field.
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  • 收稿日期:  2004-09-02
  • 修回日期:  2004-11-29
  • 刊出日期:  2006-01-24


