
Risk management: the trend of the drought management

  • 摘要: 对我国干旱管理现状进行了分析,指出了存在的问题,介绍了抗旱工作要从被动抗旱向主动防旱、科学防旱转变的趋势,并从应急抗旱向常规抗旱和长期抗旱转变的科学管理理念出发,提出我国的干旱管理方式应该从现行的危机管理向风险管理转变,并重点介绍了干旱风险管理的几个主要方面:干旱期的水资源管理、干旱早期预警和干旱预案.


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the current situations of the drought management in China,and points out the existent problem.The working mode to cope with drought is being changed,which varies from the passive antidrought toward actively mitigated drought,it is the development trend of the drought management.To put forward the mode of the drought management the crisis management should be changed into the risk management.The paper mainly introduces the main contents and the ways of the drought risk management.


