
Study of multisite streamflow generation model in Taiwan

  • 摘要: 在台湾不同时间下之流量均呈现强烈的气候特性,透过具有气候意义的流量模式,可使得模拟模式的结果更接近实际情况.利用台湾的气候特性,将流量区分于不同气候之贡献,初步完成具台湾气候特性的单站流量生成模式.再使用统计方法考虑于同一流域中不同时段与不同河川间之流量,最后形成合适的多站流量模式.经由多站流量生成模式所得之流量,不似单站生成模式缺乏流域整体的考虑,同时也保持河川间的相关性,与流量间时序之关系.将此模式应用在台湾淡水河流域的支流上,已获致颇佳的结果.此具气象性质之多站流量生成模式未来适合推广于台湾其它流域之水资源规划.


    Abstract: In Taiwan,the streamflow in different periods reflects striking climate characteristics.Therefore,the climate characteristics should be taken into account in a streamflow model to give a more accurate simulation In this study,a climate-dependent streamflow generation model is proposed through characterizing the streamflow by the climate properties of Taiwan. Some statistical approaches are further invoked to develop the multisite streamflow generation model.The multisite streamflow generation model,unlike a single-site model which fails to account for the global basin,can reveal the correlation of flows at different sites.Excellent results are obtained by applying the proposed model to study the tributaries of Danshuei river basin in Taiwan.Accordingly,an extension of the multisite streamflow model based on the climate characteristics to water resources planning for other basins in Taiwan will be reasonably expected.


