Method for delineation and codification of a large basin based on DEM and surveyed river network
摘要: 借助于GIS技术对大流域进行划分与编码.修正实测河道上部分栅格单元的高程,以避免大面积“伪洼地”的出现,从修正后的栅格型数字高程模型(DEM)提取出与实测河网比较一致的模拟河网.提取出模拟河网后,再进行河网的编码,以及流域的划分与编码.提出了一种对Pfafstetter规则的改进方法,并且按照改进后的Pfafstetter规则来对河网与流域进行编码.所有编码工作是由本次研究中专门编制的程序来自动完成.将提出的方法应用于黄河流域,将整个黄河流域划分为8 255个子流域并赋予了Pfafstetter编码.Abstract: This paper presents a method to subdivide and code a large river basin with the aid of GIS techniques.By overlapping the surveyed watercourses on the DEM,the elevation values of some convex cells in rivers are modified to remove the large-size falsely-closed depressions.Then a river network consistent with the surveyed river network is extracted from the modified DEM.The extracted river network is coded prior to subdivision and codification of the river basin.This paper also brings forward the improvement to the Pfafstetter coding rule because the area sizes of sub-basins at the lowest level may be quite uneven if the rule is directly adopted.The river network and the basin are coded according to the improved Pfafstetter coding rule.All tasks of codification are automatically accomplished by using a program developed in this study.The suggested method is applied to the Yellow River basin and the whole drainage basin is divided into 8255 sub-basins,of which each is assigned with a Pfafstetter code.