
Review of assessment methods for instream ecological flow requirements

  • 摘要: 针对目前常用的水文指标法、水力学法、整体分析法和栖息地法,4大类河道内生态需水估算方法就其适用条件和范围作了相关评述。认为不同的估算方法有其不同的适用条件和范围,在实际应用中需根据已有资料条件和研究的目的,选用不同的计算方法。


    Abstract: Some appropriate assessing methods for instream ecological flow or environmental flow requirements are established after many years research.Each method differs in its data requirements,procedures for selecting flow requirements,and ecological assumptions.An applicable method is chosen based on the current information and the goals.Four categories of the common methods,namely,hydrological index methods,the hydraulic methods,the holistic methods,and habitat methods,available for assessing instream environmental flow,are reviewed according to their applicability.


