
Available water resources in China

  • 摘要: 水资源可利用量是从资源利用的角度,分析流域及河流水系可被河道外消耗利用的水资源量,对流域水系水资源开发利用程度的总体控制,水资源合理配置和水资源承载能力的研究具有实际意义。从阐述水资源可利用量的基本概念入手,提出了地表水资源可利用量和水资源可利用总量的计算方法,计算了全国及水资源一级区的可利用总量,同时分析了我国水资源开发利用的程度、限度和潜力。


    Abstract: Available water resources is the possible consumed water resources for outer rivevvay in a river basin from the point of view of water resources utilization.It has a practice significance to control the degree of water resources development and utilizatio n,study water resources rational allocation and water resources carrying capacity.Start with setting the concept of available water resources,this paper puts forward the calculation matheds for available surface water resources and total available water resources,the total available water resources in China and in the first rank areas are estimated by using the methods, and the degree,the limit and the potential of the development and utilization of water resources in China are analyzed.


