
Comprehensive evaluation methods for irrigation district

  • 摘要: 研究了使用模糊综合评价和灰色系统评价对灌区的运行状况进行综合评价的方法。在确定权重时,运用了博弈论方法将主观赋权法(层次分析法)和客观赋权法(熵值法)进行集化、融合,使得到的综合权重与各单一权重向量之间的偏差最小,该法消除了单一权重法的片面性,操作简便,便于实际应用。以山东省部分灌区为例,运用上述方法对其进行综合排序,结果表明,其排序结果基本一致,说明将这两种方法运用到灌区综合评价中是切实可行的。


    Abstract: The paper studies the methods of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the grey relation analysis to evaluate the irrigation districts.To identify the indicator weight, this paper uses the game theory to harmonize and conjugate the analytical hierarchy process and the information entropy method, minimizing the deflection between the comprehensive indicator weight and the indicator weight identified with a single method.It can eliminate the unilateral result.From the evaluation, we know that this method for identifying the indicator weight is effective, furthermore, it can be operated easily, so it fits practical use.The paper takes some typical irrigation districts in Shandong province for example, the result indicates that the array orders by using the two methods are similar, so the two methods are feasible.


