Hydrology and storage capacity analysis of rainwater retarding practices for flood mitigation in urban area
摘要: 针对雨水滞蓄设施在城区减洪之设置方式及容量计算,以就地消减雨洪(On-site Control)及分散配置原则提出设置规划流程与容量计算方式。对于雨水滞蓄措施之减洪机制进行水文分析,并选择台湾台北县汐止地区为算例进行规划。与目前以减少开发增加洪峰量为目的之滞洪设施规划方式相比,本研究提出之规划方式可同时减少开发增加径流峰值与体积,且所需设计容量较少。Abstract: This study carries on the hydrologic analysis and develops the planning procedures to determine the storage capacity of the rainwater retarding practices for the urban flood mitigation after development.The planning procedures employ the concept of the on-site control and the distributed management of small-scale rainwater retarding facilities.The computational procedure for determining rainwater retarding practices is also demonstrated by an example The conventional urban flood control method procedure is only to maintain the pre-development peak runoff by installing the detention ponds at downstream However, the procedures developed by this study can maintain both flood peak and the volume of the pre-development with less volume compared to conventional one.