Review of river system in responses to flow and sediment regime variation
摘要: 保持河流各方面整体协调是流域开发研究的重点和必然趋势,研究水沙变异条件下河流系统的调整机理,对于河流健康的保障具有重要意义.总结分析了水沙变异与河流系统的作用特性,明确了河流系统中水文、水力、地貌、生态等方面的各种调整实际上是与系统输入特性的特定变化相联系的;回顾了对河流系统及其功能的认识过程与研究现状,展望了将来的研究趋势.Abstract: As the anthropogenic disturbance on large river systems become common,the riverine function's degradation is of ten mentioned in the contemporary river management studies and form one of the major challenges in the fields of watershed exploitation. This paper intends to review the current status of the river system adjustment mechanism. The discussion starts with the analysis of the characteristic of the interact ion between water-sediment regime and river system adjustment,including hydro-hydraulic character and geo-ecosyste. It gives us the description that the different changes of a river system are the reflections of the certain variation of a water sediment regime. The paper then reviews the process of the recognition of the riverine functions and focuses on the techniques to estimate river systems in response to the changing inputs. The paper finally gives some suggestions to advance the research and achieve the higher levels of the water-sediment regulation of the sustainable river management.