
Remote sensing model for evapotranspriation over the eastern part of northwest China using satellite data retrieval

  • 摘要: 根据定西干旱气象与生态环境试验基地的麦田微气象观测和研究区的124个气象站常规资料,结合NOAA-16/AVHRR的资料,采用地表能量平衡算法的卫星遥感模型估算了中国西北地区东部4~8月的日蒸散量及其区域分布,并按气候和土地利用类型分别统计灌溉农田、干旱草地、冬春小麦农田、针阔混合林、常绿林和沼泽草甸等不同地表的蒸散量平均值和标准差,揭示了作物不同生育期自南到北由湿润的常绿林区至半干旱雨养农田直到干旱的荒漠地带的蒸散递减的分布特征.模型探索了卫星遥感无法得到近地层气温的难点,从而提高计算精度.经试验区54站蒸发皿推算的日蒸散量检验,相对误差为16.6%,与定西用LI500型CO2/H2O通量仪实测的日蒸散量误差仅16.2%.结果表明计算的蒸散量与实测值在整个试验区内有良好的一致性.


    Abstract: In this study,a satellite remote sensing model of deducting sensible heat from surface energy balance algorithm for land(SEBAL)is used. The regional distribution maps of the daily evapotranspiration(ET)during April to August over the eastern part of Northwest China(33-38°N,102-108°E)is estimated,combining NOAA-16 AVHRR data with the microme teorological observations over a wheat field at Dingxi arid meteorological and ecological environment experimental station and regular observations data of 127 weather stations. Based on land use,we evalute the average and standard deviat ion of the de rived ET for irrigate fields,short grass,spring and winter wheat rainfed fields,pine and broadleaf forest,evergreen forest and marsh fields. It is shown that the ET distribution feature is decreasing from the south humid evergreen forest though the semiarid rainfed agriculture region to the north arid desert during the variant plants growing periods. The mean relative error (MRE)is 16.6% evaluated through the derived ET and the measured values estimated using the evaporation dish at 54 stations. The MRE is only 16.2% between the derived results and the measured of L1 7500 CO2/H2O gas analyzer at Dingxi station The results show that the derived results is in good agreement with measured values over experimental regions.


