
Aquatic ecological region approach and its application in China

  • 摘要: 系统总结了国际水生态区划的指标、方法和体系,分析了水生态区划在水质管理、河流生物监测、湖泊水库管理、湿地管理和水生生物区系研究中的作用和经验。在分析中国水体分区现状的基础上,结合中国水环境管理的要求,设想了我国水生态分区体系的构建思路,初步提出了适宜于我国的区划框架体系和主要选取指标。


    Abstract: This paper summarizes the concept and development of aquatic ecological region,introduces the indicators,depicts method and system of aquatic ecological regionalization by taking U.S.A. and Australia as an example,and analyze the application of ecological region in the field of water quality,stream biological monitoring,lake and reservoir management,wetland management and aquatic biology conservation in detail. According to analysis of the present status of the aquatic regionalization in China,the paper proposes the frame of the aquatic ecological regionaliation in China and discusses the indicators for the ecological regionalization,and finally predicts application prospects of the aquatic ecological region in China.


