
Numerical simulating of the heat island in Beijing

  • 摘要: 采用数值模拟方法定量分析不同下垫面条件对于北京的城市风场、温度场等的影响,探讨北京城市热岛的形成机理和可能的改善途径。采用区域大气模拟系统MM5,模拟和分析了2000年秋季北京的城市热岛状况。结果显示,MM5模式能较好地模拟北京城市热岛现象,成功再现了城市高温中心及城市热岛环流。MM5模式与陆面过程模型Noah LSM的耦合能在很大程度上改善对热岛效应的模拟。


    Abstract: The urban heat island(UHI)can greatly reduce the comfort of the people who live in cities. Due to the regional weather and complicated surface conditions,the UHI can appear in cities,which can be affected by the human act ivities.The UHI in Beijing is remarkable,and its averaged intensity is about. eduring the period 1960-2000. The present research is done about the numerical simulation of the heat island in Beijing,and focuses on investigating wind and temperature fields near surface which are influenced by various land surface conditions.And the various urban canopies can affect the UHI to certain extent. A regional numerical model,MM5,is employed in this research. The simulation results show that the MM5 model success-fully simulates the heat island effect on Beijing. Comparing the MM5 with the coupled model of MM5 and Noah LSM,the results show the MM5-Noah LSM coupled model does a better job.


